Odgovori bi se mogli sa\u017eeti u jednu re\u010denicu: mogu\u0107nost da same \u017eive bez straha da \u0107e im se ne\u0161to dogoditi tijekom no\u0107i. Mogle bi hodati same po cesti, koristiti javni prijevoz bez straha da ih netko napadne, ostaviti otvorene prozore na prizemlju dok spavaju, ili joggirati bez straha.\u00a0
"}, {"type": "p", "element": "\u017dene se susre\u0107u s mnogim problemima i nejednakostima tijekom \u017eivota (nejednake pla\u0107e, primjerice), ali sama \u010dinjenica da ve\u0107ina \u017eena ima strah od hodanja po cesti no\u0107u,\u00a0i da\u00a0dr\u017ee mobitel ili klju\u010deve \u010dvrsto u rukama, vrlo je tu\u017ena!\u00a0Pogledajte taj viralni post.
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/emilylhauser/status/1046512947462385665?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "Oh my god. The mind reels. Go dancing? Take a walk? Open the front door without fear? https://t.co/v66MM38Btf
\n\u2014 Emily L. Hauser (@emilylhauser) 30. rujna 2018.
\"Moj Bo\u017ee. Misli samo idu. Plesala? \u0160etala? Otvorila vrata bez straha?\", napisala je jedna korisnica.
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/elliebegood/status/1046510899681480705?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "literally don't even know what to write because there's so many things https://t.co/rPYPNk5OPu
\n\u2014 \ud83e\udd8a (@elliebegood) 30. rujna 2018.
\"Doslovno ne znam \u0161to napisati, toliko je toga\", napisala je druga.\u00a0
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/SonjaYoerg/status/1045334641912238082?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "I'd walk a city in peace. https://t.co/EhnQY2JI2T
\n\u2014 Sonja Yoerg (@SonjaYoerg) 27. rujna 2018.
\"\u0160etala bi gradom u miru.\", pi\u0161e jo\u0161 jedna twittera\u0161ica.
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/c_eliason/status/1046585345737805824?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "Imagine how different ALL of my life would have been. So much freedom! All the places I would enjoy on my own, and going for walks. Spontaneity to just go! I love the way the air feels on my skin when it's warm at night, and I'd love to experience this without a chaperone. https://t.co/qPTuon9zGf
\n\u2014 Christina Eliason (@c_eliason) 1. listopada 2018.
\"Zamislite koliko bi nam svima \u017eivot bio druk\u010diji. Toliko slobode! Sva ta mjesta u kojima bi mogla u\u017eivati, sama, i \u0161etati. Taj spontanost da samo mogu oti\u0107i! Obo\u017eavam osje\u0107aj zraka na ko\u017ei za vrijeme toplih no\u0107i i voljela bi to iskusiti bez pratnje\", iskreno pi\u0161e korisnica Christina Eliason.\u00a0
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/KatherineERiley/status/1046718840560848901?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "I'd run at night.
\n\u2014 Kat(her)i(n)e Riley (@KatherineERiley) 1. listopada 2018.
\nI \ud83d\udc4f would \ud83d\udc4f run \ud83d\udc4f so \ud83d\udc4f much \ud83d\udc4f at \ud83d\udc4f night \ud83d\udc4f https://t.co/ToE2odrFAq
\"Tr\u010dala bi po no\u0107i. Toliko bi tr\u010dala po no\u0107i.\"
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/DrBeagleman1/status/1044770605294395398?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "I\u2019m a white guy who regularly visits other countries by himself, walking city streets after midnight while listening to music on my headphones while not speaking the language. Never even occurred to me that this was a gender privilege.
\n\u2014 Randall Stephens \ud83c\udff3\ufe0f\u200d\ud83c\udf08 (@DrBeagleman1) 26. rujna 2018.
U raspravu se uklju\u010dio i mu\u0161karac, pa napisao: \"Ja sam bijeli mu\u0161karac koji putuje u druge zemlje sam, \u0111etam gradom poslije pono\u0107i dok slu\u0161am glazbu na slu\u0161alice i ne govorim jezik kojim govore u toj zemlji. Nikada mi nije ni palo na pamet da je to privilegija mog spola\".
"}, {"type": "embed", "object": {"script": "", "source": "https://twitter.com/SARENA220/status/1046707928885915648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw", "provider": "twitter"}, "element": "\n"}, {"type": "html", "element": ""}, {"type": "p", "element": "Do men even know just how afraid women are of them? I think MOST men have no clue as to how limited and cautious women live their lives for fear of men. #MeToo https://t.co/TX0XdkYGJ2
\n\u2014 SARENA (@SARENA220) 1. listopada 2018.
\"Znaju li mu\u0161karci koliko ih se \u017eene boje? Mislim da ve\u0107ina uop\u0107e ne zna koliko \u017eene oprezno \u017eive svoj \u017eivot zbog straha od mu\u0161karaca\", iskrena je korisnica Sarena.
"}, {"type": "p", "element": "Kako je \u017eenama bilo nekada, a kako je danas:\u00a0
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